Our Services


Third Place Drive

Through this program, we create a support system for youth that are motivated to learn how to drive but lack the means and resources to do so. We assist in helping them get the hours of practice they need behind the wheel, provide transportation to the DMV, and offer scholarships toward the cost of obtaining a license.


Accepted applicants in Old Brooklyn

click the button below to complete an application:


Third Place Foster

When kids age out of the foster care system somewhere between 18 & 21, they often don’t have the life skills or support system necessary to succeed in the real world. We offer transitional support after emancipation in order to fill in the gap between typically at-risk kids and adulthood. This includes but isn’t limited to partnerships with emancipation organizations, assistance with work and college applications, transportation, teaching life skills, and otherwise helping them effectively reach their goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can be involved in this ministry, click the link below for more information:


Third Place Coach

This is a one-on-one mentoring encounter. We all need a support system, someone to come alongside and walk through life with us. Coaching will be tailored to individual needs and will also include help translating dreams into concrete, practical, and achievable goals, as well as identifying areas of gifting/talent and intentionally targeting them for growth.


By appointment




third place Kidz

Kids ages 5-12 are encouraged to join us every Wednesday night for Kidz Klass from 6:45-8:00pm to learn the gospel in a fun and engaging environment! Through games, crafts, videos, activities, discussion, and recreation, we’ll discuss the Good News and grace available to us through Jesus. Everyone is welcome, so please invite your friends!


Every Wednesday 6:45-8:00pm (Sept–May)


Grace Church Old Brooklyn: 2503 Broadview Rd.